Tuesday, November 13, 2012

JavaFX Field Validation

This post won't be about OpenGL, it will be about JavaFX. I'm currently writing a tool in JavaFX and wanted to give the user visual feedback about the validity of fields (mainly TextFields). I came across this post but while it achieves what I had in mind, it is pretty verbose and you would have to define everything over again for multiple fields.

I wanted to do a more generic version of what I had read and this is how it is used:

Valid Textfield

Textfield with warning

Textfield with error

Monday, March 19, 2012

JOGL Part 3 - Shadow Volumes

Next: Shadow Maps

This section will be about one of the shadow techniques I've used in my project: Shadow Volumes. This method was mostly popularized by id Softwares Carmack and Doom 3. While it has pretty much vanished from todays engines (unreal engine 3 still supports them, maybe others), it's a perfect example on how shadows can add to the atmosphere.

First some moving pictures: